Kingdom Kids
Children’s Ministry
Kids are the greatest! They have such a neat way about thinking about faith. At Indian Heights UMC, our Kingdom Kids is the place kids head to on Sunday mornings (10:30-11:45am) for a time to grow their faith in a fun and creative community. During their time together, they will pray, talk about Jesus and make new friends. The children often join us for worship part-way through the service for a special “Children’s Moment”, allowing them time to participate in worship, as well as inter-generational opportunities.
Vacation Bible School
Join us for our annual summer fun as we enjoy a week of Vacation Bible School!! Watch our calendar for specific dates, as these change every year!!
Breakfast with Santa
Ho Ho Ho! Santa comes to Indian Heights on a Saturday in December to have breakfast with the kiddos! The morning includes a time for games and play, socializing, and photo ops with Santa. The adults enjoy this just as much as the kids as we are preparing our hearts for Christmas.
Community Petting Zoo
We have an annual Petting Zoo each spring and it is so much fun! Thorni Ridge Exotics brings its plethora of interesting animals, and various non-profits animal rescue organizations come to share their love of God's creatures. The event is free, family fun, and includes games, prizes, snacks and more. K.C. Wolf usually makes a presence!! Watch our calendar for dates.

Sowing Seeds
Bible Study
Youth group meets at 9:30am on Sunday mornings (kids 4th grade and older). Contact us for more details.
Community Outreach
Our youth love to get involved with local events, such as volunteering with our Baby Grace ministry, serving at The Hub KC, helping with our Children's Ministries events, and more. We are always open to your ideas!

Brewing Faith
Contact Pastor Ali for details.
Bible Study
Interested in starting or joining one of our Bible studies? Contact Pastor Ali to get involved!
Spontaneous Get-Togethers
Have an idea? Want to go see a movie, grab a bite to eat, go hiking, do some Christmas shopping, or any other ideas you'd like to enjoy with Christian friends? Bring your ideas to Pastor Ali and we'll do our best to get them on the calendar!!

Affirming Grace
Seasonal Book Studies
Join us for book studies during Advent and Lent as we dig deeper into the meaning behind these special Christian seasons. Watch our calendar for more details; they are usually Wednesday evenings.
Creative Souls
The group gathers on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays, from 2-5pm, for a time of creativity, fellowship and fun. We always share a meal!! Attendees can work on individual art/craft items, or participate in a group project. So far, quilts, bibs, Quilts of Valor, dresses for children, and other items have been made for community organizations and veterans of our military.
Women’s Theology Group
We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 9:30-11:30am to share our lives and gather support on our spiritual journey. Join us when you can!!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This is a group of women who knit, crochet and sew quilts that are given to those in need of spiritual encouragement. You can work on shawls individually, or join the Creative Souls on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays (3-6pm) to get motivated by a group of creative spirits. We have lots of yarn if you need some!! The shawls receive a special blessing by our pastor before they are given away.
Men’s Breakfast
The guys meet every, yes EVERY Thursday morning (7am) for breakfast. Check out our calendar for our most up-to-date location. If Thursday is a holiday, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas, we probably won’t meet…but really, this is a dedicated group!
Upcoming Events
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